Surgical Technique on Thoracic Surgery

Transthoracic single-port video-assisted thoracoscopic thymectomy

Kook Nam Han, Hyun Koo Kim, Young Ho Choi


Single-port thoracoscopic surgery has been widely applied in the treatment of thoracic diseases including mediastinal tumors. We present our technique and experience of transthoracic single-port video-assisted thoracoscopic thymectomy. In this case, we performed single-port thoracoscopic thymectomy through a unilateral transthoracic approach. We approached through the fifth intercostal space in the mid-axillary line and applied a wound retractor with the multi-hole port device. Conventional and endoscopic devices were used without collision of devices through the port. Transthoracic single-port thoracoscopic thymectomy appears to be a safe and promising technique with port-accessible devices and instruments. A future study of the long-term oncologic outcomes may require more time and more patients to be evaluated to refine the advantages of this procedure.

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